Amendments and additions to clavichord-related information in the Third Edition of Donald Boalch’s Makers of the Harpsichord and Clavichord 1440-1840, edited by Charles Mould (1995)

Prepared with the kind permission of Charles Mould and with support from the British Clavichord Society, the Deutsche Clavichord Societät, the International Centre for Clavichord Studies, and the Svenska Klavikordsällskapet

This is an informal project to disseminate new information on historic clavichords and makers which has emerged in the years since the publication in 1995 of the Third Edition of Boalch’s indispensable reference book (‘Boalch 3’, edited by Charles Mould, and now long out of print). Clavichord research has expanded enormously in these years, and ‘B3CU’ has been set up to provide a quick and simple way for results to be shared.
The attached pdf document (Version 4, uploaded in September 2009 with over 40 new items) gives more details of our plans, and offers contributions from Lothar Bemmann (who chairs the project), Peter Bavington, Eva Helenius, David Millard, Paul Simmonds and Benjamin Vogel.

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More about Boalch 3
In his Preface to the Third Edition (1995), Charles Mould expressed the hope that the contents of the book would in future be available to all scholars via the internet. At the beginning of 2008 it seems that this hope will soon be fulfilled, thanks to the co-operation of Oxford University Press, Charles Mould, the University of Edinburgh (represented by Darryl Martin), and a group of volunteers (some also involved in the B3CU project).
Meanwhile we appreciate that use of the B3CU document will be far easier for those with access to a copy of the book, but we have tried to make the contributions self-explanatory so far as possible. Please contact Judith Wardman (see below) if you have any difficulties or queries.

How to comment on this document or send contributions
This is work in progress, and we invite comments, corrections, queries, and further contributions.
Correspondence should be sent to Judith Wardman, 26A Church Lane, London N8 7BU, England; e-mail (please include the words ‘Boalch’ and/or ‘clavichord’ in your message title).

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Updated 1 April 2013