The series of volumes with the title De Clavicordio contain the proceedings of the International Clavichord Symposia, which were held at Magnano, Italy, on alternate years from 1993 to 2015 under the auspices of Musica Antica a Magnano. These volumes can be purchased through the Musica Antica Magnano website. A complete list of contents is given here for convenience.
Each volume contains an index of names.
De Clavicordio (1993 proceedings)
Derek Adlam The Importance of the Clavichord in the Evolution of the New Musical Aesthetic in Eighteenth-Century Germany and in the Development of the Fortepiano and its Repertoire
John Barnes Reconstruction of Douwes’ Clavichord
Frances Bedford Twentieth Century Clavichord Music
Joan Benson Clavichord Technique in the Mid-Twentieth Century
Clifford J. Boehmer A Structural Analysis of the Clavichord
Bernard Brauchli A Comprehensive List of Iconographical Documents on the Clavichord
Grant O’Brien Stringing Materials and Gauges for Clavichords by I. C. Gerlach and H. A. and J. A. Hass
Alan S. Caro Some Ideas and Experiments on the Evolution of Clavichord Design
Jörg Gobeli Ultrasound, a Possible Means of Judging the Quality of Wood
Christopher Hogwood A Case for the Clavichord
Alfons Huber The Hexagram as a String Partition Canon for Fretted Instruments
John Koster The Stringing and Pitches of Historical Clavichords
Edward L. Kottick From Rags to Riches: a Survey of Clavichord Decoration
Renato Meucci “S'i monacordo gentile stromento.
” The Terminology of the Clavichord in Italy
Angelo Mondino The Intarsia of Urbino
Rita Peiretti Contemporary Clavichord Music in
Nelly Ree Bernard The Keyed Monochord
Beverly J. Sing Johann Gottfried Herder and the Clavichord
Thomas Friedemann Steiner Clavichord No. 2 and 3 in the Leipzig Collection. Some complementary thoughts about their origins
Gerhard Stradner Six Clavichords Newly Acquired by the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna
Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini An Anonymous, Sixteenth-Century Italian Clavichord in the L. F. Tagliavini Collection, Bologna
Jean Tournay Comments on German Clavichord Sources
Koen Vermeij A Contribution to Dating Hubert Clavichords
Benjamin Vogel The Clavichord as an Instrument and as a Term in Polish Musical Culture
Lance Whitehead The Laying-out of Hass Clavichords
Christopher Hogwood Closing Statement
De Clavicordio II (1995 proceedings)
Benedikt Claas The Clavichord – Spiritual Foundation of Musical Instruments
Jane Johnson The Clavichord and Sixteenth-Century Iberian Music for Keyboard, Harp, or Vihuela
Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini A Curious Eighteenth-Century Clavichord
Bohuslav Čižek Clavichords in the Czech Lands
Joel Speerstra Towards an Identification of the Clavichord Repertoire among C. P. E. Bach’s Solo Keyboard Music: Some Preliminary Conclusions
Beverly Woodward The Probestücke and C. P. E. Bach’s Versuch über die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen
Bernard Brauchli and Jörg Gobeli Restoration of an Eighteenth-Century German Clavichord by Egidius Heyne (1781)
Koen Vermeij Eighteenth-Century Lovers of the Clavichord: Which Makers did they Prefer?
Grant O'Brien The Clavichord by G. C. Rackwitz (Stockholm, 1796), a Preliminary Study with a View to Possible Restoration
Thomas Friedemann Steiner European Eighteenth-Century Scientists and the Clavichord
Paul Simmonds An Introductory Survey of the Keyboard Works of Ernst Wilhelm Wolf
John Koster The ‘Still, Small Voice’ and the Exploration of Inner Musical Space
Christoper Hogwood A Repertoire for the Clavichord (Including a Brief History of Bebung)
Menno van Delft The Clavichord Composer Johann Gottfried Müthel – A Survey
Beverly J. Sing The Clavichord in the Musical Press of the Nineteenth Century
Derek Adlam Arts and Crafts and the Clavichord, The Revival of Early Instrument Building in England
Richard Troeger The Dolmetsch/Chickering Clavichords and their Model
Bruce W. Glenny Herbert Howells: Aspects of Twentieth-Century English Revivalism as Seen in ‘Lambert’s Clavichord’
John Barnes The Parallel between the Harpsichord and Clavichord Revivals in the Twentieth Century
Harm Vellguth A Simple Stringing Method or An Ancient Craftsman’s Trick
Bernard Brauchli Keyboard Works of Franz Seydelmann (1748–1806)
Jean-Jacques Dünki Tetrapteron, A Keyboard Quartet: The Difficulty of Integrating the Sounds of Piano, Harpsichord, Celesta and Clavichord
Alan Caro The Keybase Project: A Proposal for a Standard Historic Keyboard Archiving Database
De Clavicordio III (1997 proceedings)
Darryl Martin The Van Hemmesen Clavichord and the Early Flemish Clavichord School
Howard Schott Froberger and the Clavichord
Bernard Brauchli The Clavichord on the Iberian Peninsula
Koen Vermeij In Praise of the Five-Octave Fretted Clavichord
Paul Simmonds Abstossen, Schleifen and Das Algemeine Fortgehen – Thoughts on Clavichord Touch
Peter Bavington Keylever, Tangent and String – A Preliminary Analysis of Clavichord Touch and Action
Derek Adlam Clavichord Touch – Mechanics and Music
Joel Speerstra The Pedal Clavichord as a Pedagogical Tool for Organists
Alicija Knast The 1754 Clavichord of J.A. Haas in the National Museum of Poznan, Poland
Peeka Vapaavuori Historical Clavichords in Finland
Giorgio Campanaro A Survey of Sturm und Drang
Owen Jander The Clavichord as Metaphor in late Eighteenth-Century Portraiture
Christopher Hogwood ‘The Inconstant and Original Johann Wilhelm Hässler’ – His 1786 Autobiography and a Thematic Catalogue of his Keyboard Works to 1790
Richard Maunder Viennese Clavichords and Their
John Barnes Haydn’s Clavichord
Sally Fortino Woman Composers Associated with Joseph Haydn – A Short Introduction to Some ‘New’ Keyboard
Richard Fuller Affekt and Rhetorik in the Clavier Music of C.P.E. Bach and Suggested Applications in the Music of Joseph Haydn
Jean-Jacques Dünki Composing ‘with’ the Clavichord – A Contemporary Experience
Christine Hedinger Kurt Hessenberg's Zehn Kleine Präludien, Op. 35, for Piano or Clavichord
Bernard Brauchli Addenda II to the ‘Comprehensive List of Iconographical Documents on the Clavichord’ in De Clavicordio (Magnano Proceedings I)
De Clavicordio IV (1999 Proceedings)
Annette Richards C. P. E. Bach's ‘Farewell’ and the Speaking Clavichord
David Schulenberg When Did the Clavichord Become C. P. E. Bach’s Favourite Instrument? An Inquiry into Expression, Style and Medium in Eighteenth-Century Keyboard Music
Christopher Hogwood ‘Our Old Great Favourite’ – Burney, Bach and the Bachists
Mary Sue Morrow The Clavichord Resounds, or the Wider Influence of C. P. E. Bach's Empfindsamer Keyboard Style
Darrell Berg C. P. E. Bach’s Songs for Clavichord
Alfons Huber and Ana Savarain de Graf A Clavichord from Peru in the Period of the Imperial Vice-Royalty
Darryl Martin Tangent Layout and Triple-Fretted Clavichord Tuning
Laurence Libin and Sabine K. Klaus Two Spanish Clavichords in Private U. S. Collections
Eva Helenius-Öberg The Swedish Clavichord around 1800
Jenny Nex and Lance Whitehead A Preliminary Investigation into the Stringing of Swedish Clavichords
Joel Speerstra Documenting a Clavichord by Lindholm and Söderström and a Brief History of Swedish Measurements
Derek Adlam Conservation Ethics
Peter Bavington A Maker’s Secrets Revealed: Restoration of a 1784 Clavichord by C. G. Hoffmann
Stewart Pollens A Pantalonclavichord by C. Kintzing of Neuwied, 1763
Bernard Brauchli Addenda and Corrigenda III to Bernard Brauchli’s ‘Comprehensive List of Iconographical Documents on the Clavichord’ in De Clavicordio (Magnano Proceedings I)
De Clavicordio V (2001 Proceedings)
Laurence Libin Two ‘Travelling’ Clavichords by Unknown Makers
Alfons Huber Mozart’s ‘Reiseclavier’
Michael Zapf Handing down the Tradition: the Survival of Bach’s Finger Technique in an Obscure Nineteenth-Century Clavier Tutor
Bernard Brauchli The Clavichord as the Key to the Study of all other Keyboard Instruments
Johann Sonnleitner The Clavichord in the Expanded Tone System
Florian Sonnleitner The Klavikantal – A new Type of Clavichord in Development
Jörg Gobeli A Diagram for Visualization and Interpretation of the Intervals of Historical Temperaments
Derek Adlam Missing Instruments
Grant O’Brien The Case, Stringing and Fretting of the 1543 Venetian Clavichord by Dominicus Pisaurensis
Paul Simmonds Embellished Repeats in Late Eighteenth-Century Clavichord Repertoire
John Whitelaw The Singing Hand
Eva Helenius-Öberg Musikaliskt Tidsfördrif as a Mirror of Clavichord Culture in Sweden
Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra Roman and Zellbell: Secular and Sacred Contexts for Improvisation on the Swedish Clavichord
Joel Speerstra Two Mid-Eighteenth-Century Swedish Clavichords: a Professional Instrument by an Amateur Builder and an Amateur Instrument by a Professional One
Peter Bavington A Clavichord by Johann David Schiedmayer
Jenny Nex and Lance Whitehead Three Eighteenth-Century Schools of Clavichord Building: a Comparative Study
Dorthe Falcon Møller The Clavichord in Denmark – Builders and Instruments
Christopher Hogwood The Copenhagen Connection: Resources for Clavichord Players in Eighteenth-Century Denmark
Bernard Brauchli A Comprehensive List of Iconographical Documents on the Clavichord
Alberto Galazzo Cumulative Index of Names (Volumes I–V)
De Clavicordio VI (2003 Proceedings)
Alfons Huber Iron Scale or Brass Scale – When Were These Concepts First Used?
Lothar Bemmann The Decline and Revival of the Clavichord
Lorenz Gadient The Twofold Usage of the Term
‘Second’ in Musical Tempo Measurement from the Seventeenth to the Eighteenth Century
Gregory Crowell Every Player’s First Grammatica: Reflections on Clavichord Technique in Context
Maria Erdman ‘The Tablature of Music or Musical Practice’ by Jan Alexander Gorczyn: a Source for Polish Clavichord Practice in the Seventeenth Century
Luisa Morales Clavichords and Harpsichords in Cloisters: a New Approach to the Eighteenth-Century Keyboard Repertoire in Spanish Convents
Dorthe Falcon-Møller Magnus Christensen, a Danish Builder of Clavichords from the Mid-Eighteenth Century
Eva Helenius-Öberg The Clavichord in Sweden before 1700
Thomas Glück Rack Division – The Fingerprint of Historical Fretted Clavichords
Emi Saeki Jesuit Missionaries and the Clavichord in the Orient
Andreas Hermert A Seventeenth-Century Clavichord from Poland
Uta Henning The Care of the Rare – First-Aid in Musical Iconography
Joan Benson Clavichord Perspectives from Goethe to Pound
Derek Adlam An English Repertoire for a Sixteenth-Century Clavichord
Christopher Hogwood The Clavichord and its Repertoire in France and England before 1700 – A Summary and a New Manuscript Source
Christopher Hogwood and Bernard Brauchli The Clavichord in Britain and France: A Selection of Documentary References before 1700
Bernard Brauchli Addenda and Corrigenda to Bernard Brauchli’s ‘A Comprehensive List of Iconographical Documents on the Clavichord’, De Clavicordio V (Magnano Proceedings 2001)
De Clavicordio VII (2005 Proceedings)
The Clavichord and the Lute
Uta Henning Clavichord Reception in Russia: with Special Reference to the Bach Family
Juan Luis Garcìa Orozco and Pablo Padilla Perspectives on the Clavichord in new Spain
Juan Luis Garcìa Orozco and Pablo Padilla Mexican Clavichords
Grant O'Brien The Lindholm Clavichord, Stockholm 1791
Eva Helenius Aspects of the Clavichord in Sweden in the Nineteenth Century
David Ledbetter German and Swedish Arrangements of Seventeenth-Century French Lute Music: a Repertoire for Fretted Clavichord?
Paul Simmonds Comparison of Two Eighteenth-Century North German Clavichords
Peter Bavington Surviving Clavichords made in Latin America
Alfons Huber Characteristics of some Viennese Clavichords in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century
Laurence Libin New Insights into Tannenberg’s Clavichords
Christophe d’Alessandro, Brian F. G. Katz and François Boudet On the Acoustics of the Clavichord
Luc Breton Pseudo-Amplification: a Physical Principle of Stringed Instruments Exemplified in the Lute
Gregory Crowell The Clavichord as a Plucked String Instrument
Christopher Hogwood The Keyboard Music of John Dowland
Ilton Wjuniski The Style Luthé in the Harpsichord Works of François Couperin and some Aspects of their Performance on the Clavichord
Maria Erdman The Infiltration of Lute Repertoire into Keyboard Music in Poland in the Sixteenth Century
Lothar Bemmann The Clavichord in Films
Bernard Brauchli Addenda and Corrigenda to Bernard Brauchli’s ‘A Comprehensive List of Iconographical Documents on the Clavichord’, De Clavicordio V (Magnano Proceedings 2001)
De Clavicordio VIII (2007 Proceedings)
The Clavichord on the Iberian Peninsula
Arnold Dolmetsch
Macario Santiago Kastner
Uta Henning Arnold Dolmetsch and his Bach Clavichord: an Iconographical and Literary Approach
Peter Bavington Arnold Dolmetsch’s Clavichord Making in the Years Before 1914
Cornelia Ullrich-Eberius and Wolfram Ullrich Macario Santiago Kastner in the Memory of his Family
Joan Benson Studying with Macario Kastner a Half-Century Ago
Bernard Brauchli Interview with Professor Macario Santiago Kastner (Lisbon, July 1984)
Bernard Brauchli Macario Santiago Kastner (1908–1992): Bibliography
Gerhard Doderer The Clavichord in Portugal after 1800
Ilton Wjuniski Musical Manuscript MM.41 at the Library of Oporto: Performing Intricate Polyphonic Texture on the Clavichord as Compared to the Organ and to the Harpsichord
Alfons Huber Fingerboards of Sixteenth-Century Citterns as a Primary Source for Temperaments of (other) Fretted Instruments
Dorothea Demel The Clavichord in the Encyclopaedia: Eighteenth-Century Musical St. Petersburg (Volumes I-III and VII)
Derek Adlam Clavichords in Georgian England: Handel, Mary Delany & the Granville Family
Simon Field Building a Database of Early Keyboard Instruments: Difficulties and Opportunities
Lothar Bemmann Wie Man Ein Cor Thonig Clavicortium Beziehen Sol – The Organ Maker Johannes Creuzburg (1686-1738) and his Workshop Book
Michael Tsalka A Closer Look at Daniel Gottlob
Türk’s Keyboard Sonatas
HansErik Svensson An Analysis of Construction Methods Used by Swedish Clavichord Builders
Eva Helenius Gottfried Silbermann and the Swedish Clavichord Tradition
Christophe d’Alessandro, Charles Besnainou and Luc Ginieis Acoustic Portraits of Four Clavichords: Tangent Velocities, Loudness and Decay Times
Pierre Verbeek The Israel Gellinger 1670 Clavichord
Bernard Brauchli Addenda and Corrigenda to Bernard Brauchli’s ‘A Comprehensive List of Iconographical Documents on the Clavichord’, De Clavicordio V [Magnano Proceedings 2001]
De Clavicordio IX (2009 Proceedings)
Haydn and the Clavichord
From Clavichord to Fortepiano
Peter Bavington Clavichords made in Latin America: Updates and New Discoveries
Thomas Donahue Safety Factors for Replicas of the 1784 Hubert Fretted Clavichord in Edinburgh
Eva Helenius The Reception of Hammer instruments into Swedish Clavichord Culture – from clavichord to square piano
Paul Simmonds A Pantalon Clavichord from the Friderici Stable?
Lothar Bemmann From Clavichord to Fortepiano – A Survey of Builders Making Both Instruments
Dorothea Demel ‘ … Silbermann Again’
Christophe d’Alessandro The Acoustics of Tangent-String Interaction in the Clavichord Compared to Hammer-String Interaction in the Fortepiano
HansErik Svensson Clavichords and Squares from Pehr Lindholm’s Workshop – a Comparison
Ilton Wjuniski The Twelve Sonatas by Friedrich Wilhelm Rust Published by Vincent d’Indy and their Performance on the Clavichord
Michael Günther ‘Clavier’ – Clavichord or Fortepiano
Barend Kraal A Square Piano by J. P. Hinrichs (Hamburg 1804) with a Curious Half-octave Ravalement (1839)
Koen Vermeij Christian Gottlob Hubert’s Workshop and the Tafelklavier
Norbert Broggini Haydn’s Keyboard Music in Spanish and Latin American Sources
Derek Adlam Architecture Parlante – Joseph Haydn, Classical Sonata Form as a Fine Art of the Enlightenment, and the Role of the Clavichord
Bernard Brauchli Addenda and Corrigenda to Bernard Brauchli’s ‘A Comprehensive List of Iconographical Documents on The Clavichord’, De Clavicordio V (Magnano Proceedings 2001)
De Clavicordio X (2011 Proceedings)
The Early Clavichord
The Pedal Clavichord
The Clavichord in the Nineteenth Century
Peter Bavington Reconstructing Mersenne’s Clavichord
Lothar Bemmann An Early Nineteenth-Century Clavichord by Schmahl?
Gregory Crowell Victor Hammer and the Revival of the Nineteenth-Century Clavichord
Ulrika Davidsson The Pedal Clavichord as a Tool in Keyboard Education
Dorothea Demel Lusser Clavichords and South Tyrol
Eva Helenius The Swedish Clavichord and the Swedish Lute – Two Nationally Developed Instruments with a Repertoire in Common
Christopher Hogwood The Keyboard Music of Carl Fasch
Alfons Huber & Ina Hoheisel Early Clavichord-Making Between Technological, Aesthetic And Cosmological Constraints
Barend Kraal Thoughts on the Pedal Clavichord by Claas Douwes (The Netherlands, 1699)
Francesco Nocerino The ‘Regole Di Marancio’: New Documents on the Clavichord in Naples
Joel Speerstra Leipzig and Eisenach: A Comparison of the Two Extant Clavichords with Independent 16-Foot Pedals
Pierre Verbeek The Urbino Clavichord Revisited
Bernhard Winkler Physical and Acoustical Properties of the Clavichord: Experiments on Selected Instruments
Bernard Brauchli & Uta Henning A Comprehensive List of Iconographical Documents on the Clavichord
De Clavicordio XI (2013 Proceedings)
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
The Clavichord, Key to all other Keyboard Instruments
Alfons Huber A Useful Method to Find a Suitable Temperament for Fretted Clavichords
Michael Tsalka An Introduction to the Keyboard
Capriccios by Johann Baptist Wanhal
Tomoko Akatsu Miyamoto A Practical Introduction to the Clavichord
Menno van Delft Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach’s Damen-Sonaten
José Erasmo Estrada ‘Man gewöhnt sich … die Tasten gar zu sehr zu schmeilchen’: Some Considerations on Touch at the Clavichord
Julian Gammon Virtual Teaching: C. P. E. Bach’s Versuch as a Pedagogical Medium
Ingrid E. Hagen Sharing the Affects of the Music
Christopher Hogwood The Practice of Preluding
Joan Benson (in absentia) The Interplay of Clavichord and Modern Piano
Albert Mühlböck Recovering the Clavichord for the Modern Pianist
Edward C. Pepe The Museo Nacional de Historia – Chapultepec Castle Clavichord and the likely Identification of its Builder, Juan Felipe de Olea
Bernard Brauchli Communication about ‘A Comprehensive List of Iconographical Documents on the Clavichord’
De Clavicordio XII (2015 Proceedings)
The Clavichord as a Pedagogical Instrument: Past, Present and Future
Pekka Vapaavuori Clavichord – a Practice Instrument or a Device of Artistic Expression?
Michael Tsalka The First Published Keyboard Sonatas of Joseph Anton Steffan
Joan Benson Teaching with the Clavichord in our Electronic World
David Gerrard MIMED 4460: The Revival Clavichord In Extremis
Fabio Rigali Soundboard Woods
Menno Van Delft The Transcendental Clavichord – J. P. Kraemer #571 and other Clavichords Exceeding f³
Esteban Mariño Garza String Length and Historical Units of Measurement: The Clavichord from the National Museum of the Viceregal Period, Tepotzotlan, Mexico
Derek Adlam Morris Steinert – A Great American Collector
Ilton Wjuniski The Case of Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer’s ‘Ariadne Musica’ (1702): The Clavichord as an Instrument for Performance and Pedagogy
Norberto Broggini Arrangements for Two Keyboard Instruments of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Organ Trio Sonatas
updated November 2018